The Start of Luke+Logan: A Grooming Revolution Begins
Hey there,
I'm Angie Goodfellow, and I want to take you on a journey – the journey of Luke+Logan. It's a journey that began with a simple yet powerful mission: to create grooming products that cater to sensitive skin and fragrance preferences while embracing a cool and masculine vibe.
So, why did I embark on this adventure, you ask?
Well, it all started with my son, Lukas, transitioning into his teenage years. Like many young men, he faced a challenge that I couldn't ignore. He needed grooming products that were designed for his needs, but everything available seemed either too clinical or too feminine for his taste. He wanted something that would help him feel confident and masculine, something he could proudly use every day.
This sparked a fire in me. With a background in designing and developing beauty products, I knew I had the skills to make a difference. I believed that my son's experience wasn't unique and that there were other moms out there who shared my frustration. That's when I decided to roll up my sleeves and create something truly special – a brand that speaks to the heart of men's grooming.
Teaming up with my son Lukas, we embarked on a journey of testing, refining, and designing. We wanted products that didn't just work well but also looked and felt amazing. Our goal was to craft a brand that stands strong through all stages of life – from the teenage years to adulthood, catering to everyone who values confidence and style.
Through our dedication and creative minds, we brought Luke+Logan to life – a brand that's more than just grooming; it's about embracing your individuality and feeling your best every day. Luke+Logan represents strength, self-assurance, and a commitment to being the best version of yourself.
So join us on this journey. Let's celebrate the power of self-care, confidence, and style, no matter where you are in life. With Luke+Logan, you're not just using grooming products – you're embracing a lifestyle that's all about being bold, confident, and true to yourself.
I'm thrilled to welcome you to Luke+Logan, where you're invited to add your best self every single day.
Warmly, Angie
P.S. Wondering about the name? Well, it's a combination of my son Lukas and his middle name Logan, I could just see the logo with the two L's in my mind.